Newsletter Spring 2022



Dear readers


We’re still reeling from the pandemic and now the war in the Ukraine is the next catastrophe we must face. The consequences of this war have also a global impact and affect the energy policy as well as the armament policy. A lot of people have only now realized the importance of a modern army for a state.

Despite all the suffering, we wish you and your beloved ones nice and relaxing Easter holidays.


National councillor Thomas Hurter, president of AEROSUISSE


Covid-19 certificates and travel restrictions

On 17 February 2022, Switzerland lifted all frontier medical measures. Since this date, a divergence exists concerning the entry requirements for the Schengen area for third-country nationals and the general entry requirements for Switzerland. To refuse entry into Switzerland to certain third-country nationals cannot be justified anymore by reasons of tackling the pandemic. AEROSUISSE advocates that the entry ban for the Schengen area for unvaccinated third-country nationals should be lifted to reach the goal of global freedom to travel. The travel activity between Switzerland and the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Japan (states currently on the risk list of the annex of Covid-19 regulation 3) is important for swiss economy and tourism.


Noise abatement and residential development

The Federal Noise Abatement Commission (FNAC) recommends that the Federal Council should implement stricter limits for road, train, and aircraft noise – limits that meet the demands of the Environmental Protection Act. This creates a fundamental intern conflict of objectives with residential development requiring enormous investments in sound insulation measures and leading to construction bans. AEROSUISSE, LITRA (information service for public transport), Verband öffentlicher Verkehr (association for public transport) and Verband des Strassenverkehrs (association for road transport) therefore demand in their joint letter from the head of DETEC, Simonetta Sommaruga, that noise abatement should be achieved by technological advances and construction measures.


SAF blending quota is supported in the revision of the CO2 Act

In its statement on the revision of the CO2 Act, AEROSUISSE supports the introduction of a blending quota for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), provided that the SAF blending quota is coordinated at international level (ideal case scenario) or, at least, at European level. To avoid competitive disadvantages for Switzerland and a transfer of traffic and emissions to countries abroad, the further development of the emissions trading system must happen in close coordination with the EU. Furthermore, AEROSUISSE recommends investment contributions for innovative enterprises that produce renewable synthetic aviation fuels. AEROSUISSE is convinced that zero net CO2 emissions in aviation are achievable by 2050.


Signing the sales contract for F-35 as soon as possible

AEROSUISSE confirms its commitment that the sales contract for 36 Lockheed Martin F-35A combat aircraft should be signed immediately after the parliamentary debate on the armaments program 2022. The offer of the United States of America is only valid until the end of March 2023. If Switzerland hasn’t ordered the combat aircraft by that date, the whole Air2030 program will be massively delayed, and the F/A-18 won’t be replaced by new combat aircraft by 2030. This could have an impact on the continued existence of the Swiss Air Force and thus the protection of the population could be at stake.


General assembly on 13 may at Zurich Airport

On Friday afternoon, 13 May, the 2022 AEROSUISSE general assembly will be held at Zurich Airport. After the agenda items all participants will be offered an interesting, guided tour through the «Circle». The documents for the general assembly will be dispatched in the second half of April.


Umbrella organisation of the Swiss aerospace industry
Kapellenstrasse 14 / P.O. Box / 3001 Bern