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Newsletter Year's End 2023



Dear readers

The first session of the new parliament is already over. AEROSUISSE has presented its concerns to the National Council and the Council of States. We had a success on 20 December when the National Council followed the Council of States in rejecting the private jet levy in the new CO2 Act. This levy is now finally off the table.


Swiss airlines and national airports can look back on a successful 2023. However, the upcoming challenges for aviation are clearly visible on the horizon: The runway extensions in Zurich, the implementation of the requirement to add renewable fuels in Switzerland and new regulations in the Environmental Protection Act, just to name a few. We need your support. Without you, AEROUISSE cannot keep up its commitment to aviation in Switzerland. We would like to thank you for your contribution over the past year and are counting on you to retain your membership in 2024.


We wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024.


Thomas Hurter, National Councillor, and chairman of AEROSUISSE


No private jet levy in the new CO2 Act

On 20 December, the National Council clearly rejected the levy for private jets proposed by the National Council's Environment Committee (CESPE-N) in the revised CO2 Act by 108 votes to 87 with 3 abstentions. It would have charged between CHF 500 and CHF 3000 for every take-off of a business aviation jet weighing over 5.7 tonnes in Switzerland. During the debate, AEROSUISSE emphasised the importance of business aviation for Switzerland as a business location and advocated the mandatory blending of fossil-free fuel instead of new levies. The National Council also supported AEROSUISSE's proposal to limit subsidies for cross-border passenger transport from aviation funds to a maximum of CHF 30 million and to use the lion's share for pilot projects to produce renewable synthetic aviation fuels.


Environmental Protection Act: still to be improved

The Council of States did not agree with all our proposals during the discussion of the Environmental Protection Act on 6 December. This relates to legal certainty in the development of settlements near airports. AEROSUISSE is in favour of noise limits that are appropriate to the situation in order to facilitate residential development in the airport region. The Environmental Protection Act will be discussed by the National Council in 2024, we will inform the members of the National Council's Environmental Protection Committee accordingly.


Runway extensions in Zurich: vote on 3 March

Zurich Airport has been managing its traffic via the same runway system since 1976 – i.e. for almost 50 years. Due to several incidents, the federal government called for safety measures back in 2012. Extending the main take-off runway 10/28 by 400 metres to the west to a length of 2,900 metres and runway 14/32 by 280 metres to the north to a length of 3,580 metres will not only increase safety, but also improve operational processes. This should also allow the last flights to take off earlier in the evening. The Zurich electorate will take its decision on 3 March 2024. AEROSUISSE clearly recommends the runway extensions.

Runway extensions Zurich


Big airshow in Emmen at the end of August

The Swiss Air Force will be celebrating its 110th anniversary with a great air show at Emmen airfield on 30/31 August 2024. Concurrently, Patrouille Suisse will be celebrating its 60th anniversary and the PC-7 TEAM its 35th anniversary. Foreign aerobatic teams will also attend and Switzerland's new fighter jet, the Lockheed-Martin F-35A, will also be present. For further information: www.airspirit24.ch


Federal Councillor Albert Rösti at our GA

AEROSUISSE is delighted that the Head of DETEC, Federal Councillor Albert Rösti, will be attending our General Assembly on Friday, 31 May 2024. Please make sure to reserve that Friday afternoon. The 2024 General Assembly will take place at Bern Airport.


Umbrella organisation of the Swiss aerospace industry
Kapellenstrasse 14 / P.O. Box / 3001 Bern